07 February 2008

colors and shades

I just had a gigantor salad with nearly every color in the rainbow (sans red and blue). I have 80 pages left to read, and I have to leave for school in about three hours, so I didn't intend on posting a picture, much less writing about it. However, I enjoyed lunch so much today that I've since changed my mind. It was supposed to be a working lunch, but as I sat down and appreciated the colors, textures, fragrances and intricacies of my beautiful salad, I decided to have a thinking lunch instead.

As I crunched on carrots and celery, delighted on grapes and avocado and savored the scent of balsamic vinegrette, I paused for friends... family. I celebrated them. I thanked God for them... For my brother and sister in the DR who still remain close to my heart... for my sister who turned 32 today (Happy Birthday!)... for my brother who's learning to be a grown up... for my sister who got some bad news yesterday, but continues to make me proud as she perseveres through med school... for my sister who got word yesterday that she will soon be the mother to three daughters...

I've been pausing a lot lately - taking back those moments when I could read another page, tackle laundry, sleep five more minutes... it's made all the difference.

In these fleeting moments I've chosen to stand still as precious time passes, I've started to see things I haven't before. I'm experiencing color - in my day, in my interactions... in my salad. A quick phone call to catch up with a friend... time spent with the Lord... a sweet conversation with my daughter... a remarkable evening with four captivating friends... an afternoon spent with my husband... an hour at library with my kiddos... a power nap... a post on my blog... dinner for lunch for the kiddos and me just because...

Brown and Wild Rice with Salmon and Roasted Brussel Sprouts

... and as the Good Lord said, it is GOOD.

Time looks
differently than it used to. The hours I once had have become minutes... seconds at times. But it is time, nonetheless. My paradigm is shifting. I can see it. I can feel it. I'm learning to see the greys - hundreds and thousands of greys that reside between black and white. And as I take the time to pause - to look more closely - I'm even starting to see color.

45 minutes have come and gone, and I still have those 80 pages left to read. I feel alive.

Back to work.

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